Panama City – October 2018

And so our adventure begins. . .

Our first stop was the Panama Canal after an all-night flight from the USA. The Miraflores Locks are the first of three sets of locks for boats travelling through the canal from the Pacific Ocean to the Caribbean Sea. 

We watched four electric locomotives (mulas) guide a large container ship through the locks.
Susan kept an eye on the container ship and a catamaran as they moved through the two lanes of the locks, a 45 minute journey at Miraflores.
The locks raised the two boats about 55 feet to transition into Miraflores Lake.

The seven foot thick gates that separate the water chambers were opened when the water levels on both areas are equal.
Jerry took a break from photographing the canal to relax on the observation deck in front of the central control room (white building) which sits between the two vessel lanes.

The 15 hour visit to Panama was our first experience using Uber.  Two of our three drivers spoke English and as we drove by the Panama City skyscrapers they specifically pointed out the “Trump Tower” a hotel which is no longer owned by the Trump Organization. The F&F Tower, a glass spiral office building on the left end of the skyline, is affectionately called The Screwdriver by the local residents.

6 thoughts on “Panama City – October 2018

  1. Great pictures! Can’t wait to follow your adventures!

  2. Yes, the catamaran needs to be watched as it’s touching the tug boat! Who’s driving?? Lol

    1. I’m sure they know what they are doing. They are professionals!

  3. Hi Auntie Susan and Uncle Jerry! Just wanted to send you all our thoughts and well wishes from the Florida Panhandle! I love seeing your travel pictures! Keep on traveling. We will follow your journey through your website. Take care and stay safe!

    1. Thank you for the kind thoughts, Katherine. We wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

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