Flying Around Kruger Part 1 of 3 – May & June 2019

On previous visits to Kruger National Park we photographed many animals and just a few birds. Our visit to the park this time was longer, so we decided to focus on both categories. Besides, how many pictures of impala or giraffes does one need to take? We found, photographed, and identified many, many beautiful birds in Kruger! And we ended up with such a large number of “keeper” pictures that we divided them up into three KNP bird posts. This one features raptors and water birds plus waders.


Water Birds & Waders

Many of the water bird and wader photos were taken at Sunset Dam, which we visited two or three late afternoons. Hippos and crocodiles also enjoy swimming in the dam. One particular grey heron liked to stand on the backs of mostly immersed hippos, even while the mammals were moving across the dam or going deeper into the water. We were quite entertained with the sight!