More Moremi Mammals – July 2019

During the first part of our overland safari we spent quite a bit of time watching lions and elephants in Moremi Game Reserve. We had so many photos that we decided to make a separate post devoted to these incredible animals.

We easily spotted a young male lion napping by the side of the road on one of our morning drives. Fortunately for us, he sat up about 5 minutes after we arrived. Leabo, our guide, estimated his age at 4 years and one of the guides in another safari vehicle told us that the brother was in the nearby bush. We drove around looking for it and finally spotted the second lion lying down in the tall, brown, lion-colored grass.

The next morning we saw two more sleepy lion brothers, this time about 8 years old. One of the lions had bloody gashes on its forehead and hind left leg. And when he moved from the shade of a tree to the sunshine on the other side of our safari truck, he limped quite badly. He may have encountered the horns of a feisty Cape buffalo during his hunting expedition the night before.

While in Moremi Game Reserve we watched quite a few elephants take dust baths. Most of them blew sand over their backs while standing and sometimes the little elephants rolled in the sand instead.

A curious elephant walked into our campsite one afternoon. He came within about two meters of a pole for the shower bucket behind one of the dome tents. He pulled down a few branches from nearby trees and munched on the leaves and twigs for a bit before moving on towards the river.

We had many entertaining opportunities to watch the elephant breeding herds or lone bulls drink, bathe, and play in the water.

Some of the baby elephants we saw were as young as 1 month.