Roamin’ Around Rome – September 2019

During our month in Italy’s capital we not only visited popular tourist sights, but also explored quieter areas of town during our daily walks. This post is a collection of interesting features of Rome, nicknamed the Eternal City.

The Pyramid of Cestius, built between 18 and 12 BC from white marble and brick, is a 35-meter-tall tomb of Roman government officer Caius Cestius. We only took exterior photos because the pyramid and surrounding archeological site were closed due to renovations. 

Bridges over the Tiber River

Picturesque narrow streets are perfect for brightly-colored, small-scale cars

Small fountains

We saw a dozen or two of the five hundred Italian soldiers guarding Roman tourist venues plus national and international government buildings in the city in order to prevent terrorist attacks.

Villa Borghese Park

Second Glances