Mountain Temple – November 2019

Thousands of visitors make the 15-kilometer trip from Chiang Mai to Wat Phra That Doi Suthep each month. And during our 2019 Thailand adventure we went to this beautiful temple twice, once just before sunset and the second time in the early morning. Both times we climbed the 306 steps of the naga staircase instead of using the elevator. Most Buddhist visitors to the temple also ascend the staircase in order to increase merit. 

The 24-meter tall, gold chedi is the dominant feature of the temple. After our two visits to Doi Suthep, we learned that the chedi tiers represent the levels of heaven a person must reach in order to achieve Nirvana. The five-tiered umbrella at the top of the chedi marks Chiang Mai’s independence from Burma (now Myanmar) and union with Thailand. A piece of the shoulder bone of Buddha brought to the top of Doi Suthep mountain by a sacred white elephant is said to be inside the chedi. 

Built as a monastery in 1383, Wat Phra That Doi Suthep is now both a monastery and temple. We saw numerous visitors bring lotus flowers, incense, and candles to the many Buddha statues surrounding the chedi.

In Buddhism, a bell symbolizes Buddha’s voice and a bell is rung to focus the mind for meditation, start a prayer, or request protection. Visitors are not allowed to ring the bells at Doi Suthep, probably because it is a working monastery and the monks use the bells to indicate prayer times.