Two Visits to the Top of the Hill – January 2020

Mandalay Hill, both a major tourist site and significant pilgrimage site for Burmese Buddhists, stands 240 meters high and just a short distance from Mandalay Palace. We made two trips to the top of the hill, the first one in a car plus on four escalators in a tower and the second adventure on foot. 

We reached Mandalay Hill, the final destination of our daylong city tour, just before sunset.  As we ascended the one way road in the comfort of a car, we passed many people walking, jogging, and biking up the steep switchbacks. Fortunately, the crowd of fellow sunset watchers was not too large around Sutaungpyei Pagoda at the summit.

Our second visit to Mandalay Hill involved a bit more exertion. On a cool morning we climbed the 1,729 steps to the summit with the required bare feet because we would pass through numerous small temples and pagodas. We also walked by many merchant stalls selling flowers, streamers, and umbrellas for Buddha, as well as food, beverages, artwork, and typical souvenirs. 

We stopped briefly at a large standing Buddha image, built at the place where Buddha reportedly pointed towards what is now the Royal Palace and prophesied that a great city would be founded at the foot of this hill.

One memorable statue we saw near the end of our ascent was the image of Sandra Muhki, a mythical creature that wanted to impress Buddha by cutting off her breasts.  According to legend, Buddha rewarded her extreme act by reincarnating her many, many years later as King Mindon, founder of Mandalay city in the 19th century.