Aussie Odds & Ends – March 2020

Victoria state government officials and some property owners emphasize safety and following established guidelines by posting many signs, a few of which are even in languages other than English just to make sure rules are followed by all.

And we discovered a couple of examples of how folks Down Under prevent injuries.

We ate many, many yummy lamingtons and Tim Tams during our 2012 family adventure to Australia. So we were eager to eat the sweets again during this visit. We enjoyed not only the traditional lamingtons of sponge cake coated with chocolate sauce and coconut flakes, but also the variation with strawberry jam filling. We even tried lamington-flavored potato chips, but it was hard for our mouths and brains to meld the traditional dessert flavor with the salt and texture of potato chips.  We didn’t buy a second bag. Woolworths stocked many flavors of Tim Tam cookies and we, of course, tried most of them.  Dark chocolate is still our favorite! 

Bits of of Aussie fun and humor we appreciated during our time in Victoria