Golden Memories – December 2020

In December we returned to South Africa, one of our favorite countries. Around Christmastime we took a road trip to several national parks and our daughter joined us for this adventure. 

Golden Gate Highlands National Park was our first stop. This time we explored the Blesbok Loop area of the park, which was closed during our 2019 visit because of road resurfacing.

And for the first time we followed the Holkrans Trail.

We once again hiked up to the top of Brandwag Buttress for awesome views of the valley.

The three of us spent a bit of time at the vulture hide. Like our previous visit, we didn’t see any rare and elusive bearded vultures. But we did spot some cape vultures high up in the air as they circled the high plateau. Local farmers and park rangers often bring deceased animals to the hide to entice the vultures and other critters to the viewing area.

We photographed many of the early summer flowers.

And as always, we enjoyed watching the animals and birds.

This beautiful long-tailed widowbird entertained us as it hunted for food in a meadow near our mountain cabin.

Two young male black wildebeests practiced their charging skills. The four photos were taken within a 14 second period of time. The last picture displays their “just kidding” attitude before walking away from each other.

For specific park details, check out the Glimpses of Gold post that describes our first visit to Golden Gate Highlands National Park in May 2019. Just click on South Africa in the Categories menu in the right side bar of our home page and then scroll down for the post.