Just a Few of Many – May 2021

Thanks to the world’s transition from film photography to digital technology about 20 years ago, our hobby of taking pictures of energetic critters costs less and eliminated our mindset of “saving the one last image on the roll of film for the (hopefully) one best animal action shot.” And of course now that means we take many (way too many?) digital photos, especially in game parks where we snap 250 to 500 images each day. So selecting a few pictures for this post, focused primarily on four-legged creatures in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, was a fun challenge. At the end we also included several vegetation and landscape views.


Blue Wildebeest


Red Hartebeest


Black-backed Jackal


We heard hyenas, but did not see any during our visit.

A large portion of the park’s 38,000 square kilometers form two river valleys. Both the Auob and Nossob Rivers are dry most of the year, so many of the animals rely heavily on a few, shallow, man-made watering holes.  Large, water-loving creatures, such as hippos and elephants, do not live in this game park.

Roadside Melons Growing in Sandy Soil

Grand Views