Coastal Creatures – November 2021

This post features some of our favorite animal and bird photographs along the South African coast in the spring (September through November) of 2021.

Cape of Good Hope – A large baboon took great interest in our car before joining the others in his troop at the sign and nearby grass.

Cape Town – OK these weren’t real rhinos, but they were fun to see at the V&A Waterfront. Local artists painted the life-size sculptures as part of The Rhinos Are Coming project to raise awareness and funds to stop poaching.

Betty’s Bay – We made two spring visits to Stoney Point Nature Reserve to see the penguins and other wildlife. 

Jackass penguins

Many cormorants sat on their nests in September and two months later we watched the chicks feeding, flapping their wings, and playing a bit.

Hermanus – During our boat ride in Walker Bay we found a very large pod of common dolphins, which are recognizable by the tan hourglass shape on their sides.

Sealife in the marine (swimming) pool

Southern Right whales migrate to the southern coast of Africa in June or July to breed and give birth. We spent lots of time looking for whales in Walker Bay while meandering along the cliff path or sitting on our balcony. 

In early November we discovered a pair of spotted eagle-owls living in the oceanside cliffs very near our apartment. First, a look at the male. . .

And on the 13th we saw the white fluff of owlets! The babies grew so much during our November stay. We think there were four little ones, but we were only able to photograph three of them.

2 thoughts on “Coastal Creatures – November 2021

  1. Great pictures as always. Those owls were so awesome! Wonder if they’re still living there.

    1. We saw the pair and a new set of owlets in Nov 2022 also. 🙂

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